
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Goals for my Thirty-First Year

Regardless of how much I hate New Year's Resolutions, my mind can't help but to think of different things that I want to achieve in this upcoming year.  I really would have liked to have attempted 30 goals for my 30th year, but let's be honest.  The arrival of my 30th year was joined with a great deal of stress and worry, where making it to the next day was often a goal all in itself.  So here I am, less than 2 months away from my 31st birthday - and I say there is no time like today to start a list.  Plus, if I get this list up and running even before Christmas, I have more time to make them happen AND technically they aren't New Year's Resolutions. 

Financial Goals

1. Pay $1,000 off of my Old Navy Visa card.  While I have 3 credit cards total (bad decisions as a new college grad nearly 10 years ago), 2 of them are getting paid off in 2015, but this one card is the one I still use....meaning the one I still have a measly about available a month on.  The minimum due is in the 80 dollar range each month, so I hope to pay 1.5 times that much ($120 monthly approximately) to start off with.

2. Put $600 a month minimum in my House Down Payment savings account each month. 

3.  Add $25 dollars a month minimum to Max's savings account.

4. Pay my mom for taking care of Max.  She does it for free right now, which I have been grateful for, but it's not what I want.  I started paying her a while back....and then with Christmas expenses, I slacked off (sorry, Mom).  If I put it out here for the world to see though, I will be accountable, promise!


5. Join a Wine of the Month Club.  As of December 12th, I've already found one to join (a Texas one nonetheless) so all that's left is the signing up! And deciding once and for all if I want it delivered monthly or bi-monthly.  I know what I want....but don't know if that is wise or not! I joined right before Christmas and got my first shipment on December 23rd!  3 bottles for 35 dollars + shipping! 

6.  Purchase a pair of Jack Rogers  (may be opening a separate savings just for this reason!). Started a savings account on 12/26/14.  Currently has $23 in it! Average price of sandals is in the 110 - 120 dollar range.

Jack Rogers

7. Get Passports for both Max and myself.

8. Purchase a Silhouette Silhouette Cameo.  I've wanted one of these babies for years. Sometimes, I log onto QVC in hopes that they have caught on to my desire and are offering it on easy pay.  So far, no luck.  Boo QVC! With the money I got from Christmas, plus 100 dollars in Amazon gift cards, as of 12/28/14, I am only about 70 dollars away from buying one of these dolls! 

Spiritual Goals

9.  Attend a Christian Woman's Conference.  I've already found one to go to, just about an hour away from me.  This will be a long term goal though - once Max is old enough to start spending the night at his Dad's, I am going to plan to attend a conference at least once a year during those weekends to keep some of my anxiety at bay.  The one I was going to go to near me is already sold out, so I am on the search again!

10. Participate in a Bible/Christian book study at least each quarter of the year.  I am helping to lead one in the first part of the year, but hope to do some online if nothing else, as well.

11.  Become more giving.  Financially, of my time, etc. In that, I need to begin to tithe again.  Wow, this post has me being pretty transparent.  I go through years/months/weeks of being good about this, and then some years I do really poorly at this.  I also want to give to organizations I believe in more readily and on top of that, give my own time more readily to things I believe in and things that are going on around in my church and community.

12. Get more involved in Church here.  The likelihood of churches changing a great deal in this town are slim, and I absolutely refuse for Max to not be raised in church. I want and need it for myself as well.

Personal Goals

13.  Take a class of some sort.  Whether it's online, some sort of "craft" class, or a legitimate class, I want to be schooled in 2015.  Really, I've been thinking of taking some Seminary classes....eeks! We shall see.

14.  Read 31 books.  I don't think I'll make it to 31 goals for the year, so at least 31 books would be good.

15. Lose 20 pounds. Ugh....I really don't even want to include this.  It really takes on a sense of typical New Year's Resolution now, but I had to. 

16. Travel - I'm not certain of any where's yet for this next year, but travel always must be present!

17. Better my blog.

18. Go to a movie theatre more than once in 2015.

19. Start a hobby.  This will hopefully be tied to my Silhouette purchase, but all I know is that at the end of February, Max's time with his dad on his weekend will be doubling.  Lord knows I won't tolerate the thought of spending 8 hours a day on those weekends at school preparing like I tend to do with my four hours right now.  So I need something for me.....I am thinking something involving paint and rustic.


20. Buy a house.  A new street of homes is being added right in back of my parents and more are supposedly going up around town.  To own a home would be the top of the top on my dream list.....please pray for me in this area!

Of course there are also goals like "get along better with Max's dad," "take time for yourself," "press into your relationship with God," "grow your relationships with people," and "be a 'better' Mom" .  Those are daily goals though and I don't feel like they are anything I can truly put a check mark on and say "done."

What goals are you making for yourself in your coming year?


  1. Well I share in many of these goals with you. Huge to get back in track with my weight loss. I lost about 16 lbs this year so since moving back a total around 27 but I can do so much better. Travel is always on my list and it shouldnt be hard since my sister will be in Hawaii starting in August. By the end of June I want my car paid off so that I can really start saving for a house and I'm going to steal your goal of getting my passport. I always say I will but I never do.

    1. I've been saying the same about the passport for years now too! Gone so far as having my picture taken and the application filled out but never got past that! We will have to travel together sometime!

      If yall end up joining the gym here, let me know. I was really motivated on going for a while and now it's faded out.

      Thanks for always taking the time to read and comment Rachel! I appreciate it so much!
