
Friday, January 2, 2015

Favorite Things Friday: White Kitchens

I've really been in a home day dreaming phase lately.  That means I've been filling up every online shopping cart around with loads of dishware, cookware, furniture, and home décor, before closing the browser (or sometimes not) and never making a purchase.  I absolutely love having as much white as possible in a home, and while I may not be able to make that a realistic dream for myself until Max is out of the house, it doesn't stop me from going pin crazy!  One thing that I adore to no end in a home is a kitchen with white cabinetry.  I'm not going to write much here, but hopefully you will marvel and ooh and ahh with me on some of these lovely photos I have found!  Enjoy!

I love the paint color and the subway tile....just not that crazy over the granite choice.


See....I did pretty good on keeping my mouth shut.  Now, what caused you to say ooh and ahh in these pictures?

Stay tuned for next Friday's installment of my Favorite Things, as we look at another favorite for the home, pedestal tables!